Statement Regarding 501(c)(3) Lobbying Compliance
The American Alpine Club (“AAC”) is a grassroots, non-profit organization dedicated to supporting climbers and healthy climbing landscapes. As a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, donations to the AAC are tax-exempt, and the AAC complies with all 501(c)(3) rules and regulations. The AAC has made a 501(h) election that allows us to participate in lobbying activities to the extent permitted by Internal Revenue Service financial limits. The AAC tracks the amount it spends on lobbying, as well as the amount of staff time, as needed to ensure that it does not exceed federal thresholds.
The AAC does not attempt to influence nor participate in electoral politics, and we do not endorse candidates for public office. We are a non-partisan organization whose lobbying efforts are solely directed toward educating our members and policy-makers and advocating on behalf of all who enjoy climbing landscapes. We have paid employees dedicated to this effort, and we also support, encourage and include volunteers who serve on our board and who are members of our section and chapter networks.
The AAC has never and will never jeopardize its exempt status by exceeding its federally-mandated threshold for “substantial” lobbying activities, either grassroots or direct. Within these limits, we will continue to fulfill our mission and be the voice for all climbers in partnership with like-minded organizations.