As a climber, you commit to your partner, the route, and the move. Now, commit to vote.

Register to Vote or Check Your Registration

About “Send It To The Polls”

These last few years have been a rollercoaster. We get it—that feeling of wanting to cede the lead. It can be exhausting to be on the sharp end constantly. But every climber needs to make it to the polls this November because voting in the midterm elections is even MORE important than you might imagine.

Through our partnership with the Climbing Wall Association and adidas | Five Ten, we are launching a nonpartisan campaign to get climbers to the polls, ensuring climbers have a say in policy that matters to them.

Help the climbing community “Send it to the Polls” like never before by committing to vote. It only takes one minute!

When you commit to voting in November, you’ll automatically be entered to win the ultimate climbing gear giveaway: a FREE pair of any adidas | Five Ten climbing or approach shoes. 250 climbers will win!

Can’t or Don’t Want to Vote? Enter to Win Here!

The AAC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, non-partisan, organization. This promotion is open to the entire public, even if you're abstaining from voting, and you are not required to check your registration, nor commit to voting to be entered to win. Compliant with federal law, the AAC can not exchange payment for an individual's promise to vote, nor for registering to vote during this voter registration drive. The AAC is celebrating American democracy with an opportunity to win new climbing shoes from our partner adidas | Five Ten and by sharing educational resources with the climbing community.


AAC members weigh in.

“The natural resources that we love are at a severe risk of being irreversibly altered or lost due to climate change. We need to take every action possible to save our home planet.”

“EVERYONE should vote, not just climbers! There is so much at stake, this little box can't even begin to be enough space to list all the reasons why climbers, and everyone else, should vote.”

“We are intimately engaged with the environment, have the ability to model sustainable behaviors, and lead by example with actions that respect and value our natural world.”

“Few people have a deeper appreciation for the wild places of the nation and the world.”

“ To protect our public lands for everyone, not just climbers.”

“ Climbers are uniquely exposed to the wilds of America and have huge amounts of first hand observations of the obvious effects of global warming.”