
American Alpine Club Online Community Guidelines

Welcome to the American Alpine Club’s online community—we are committed to providing climbers with the opportunity to engage with each other in respectful discussion and debate on our platforms. Please know and follow our online community guidelines when interacting through AAC channels:

  1. If you wouldn’t say it at the gym or the crag, don’t say it here.

    • Be helpful, supportive, and encouraging

    • Treat everyone with respect and create a welcoming environment

    • No personal attacks or call outs

  2. If a comment is profane, hurtful, offensive, or trolling, we will delete it.

    • Degrading comments will not be tolerated, including comments about race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender, or identity

    • No doxxing or sharing of someone’s personal information

  3. If someone asks a new question in good faith, we commit to responding to them in a timely manner and will do so either in the comments section or via direct message, at our discretion.

    • When applicable, we’ll point people toward surveys/the proper channels for their feedback

*These community guidelines are subject to change over time and we will keep this page up to date.