Ozarks Craggin’ Photos by Joe Kopek
We’re interviewing a climber from each event in the Craggin’ Classic Series—Rumney, New River Gorge, Devil’s Lake, Smith Rock, Shelf Road, Moab, Bishop, Ozarks—to take a deep look into the breadth of climbers that come to Craggins, and how they make the most of each unique event.
Read on to hear from climbers just like you, and their take on the things that matter to climbers.

Meet Ozarks Climber: Andrew Gamma
Scroll to read Andrew‘s Story…
Thank you for taking the time to dive into this second edition of the AAC’s quarterly Guidebook. A lot of things are changing at the AAC, and we are energized by the new opportunities that these changes afford.
Powered by the AAC’s Catalyst grant, Jessica Anaruk and Micah Tedeschi took on to the big walls of the Mendenhall Towers, seven granite towers that rise high above the surrounding Mendenhall Glacier in southeast Alaska.
In 2024, Maurice Chen and editor Dougald McDonald, worked together to produce Chinese translation of Accidents in North American Climbing. Allowing accident analysis to be more widespread.